" in alphabetical order "
www.aerztefuertiere.de - A European network for political animal protectionwww.animal-learn.de - The school for animal trainers or those who want to become onewww.bluemoon-animalcenter.com - Private animal protection organization in Hurghada/Egypt www.doolittle-dogwalker.de - Dog training and walking services in the Arnsberg/HSK areawww.duo-ibiza.de- Animal protection association on Ibizawww.haeuser-der-hoffnung.de - Animal shelter with a therapeutic backgroundwww.heike-ricus.de - Physiotherapy for dogs in Dortmundhttp://www.laborhunde.de/ - Tieroase am Regenbogen eV, Berlin-Brandenburghttp://www.lichtblicke-fuer-tiere.de - Animal rights activists in Germany with a focus on Turkeyhttp://www.spikinet.de/ - Nature conservation project Leben eV of Quinta Eanna in Portugal www.tierhilfe-bluemoon.de - Tierhilfe Bluemoon Germany & Pfötchenfreunde eVwww.tierhilfe-craiova.de - Animal rights activists in Germany with a focus on Craiova/Romaniawww.tierschutzverein-ohv.de- Emergency room Tornow